


Fundación INTRAS is a Spanish non-profit organization aiming at improving the quality of life of people with mental health issues, particularly, young people with learning disabilities. It offers multiple services to its clients in the areas such as housing, vocational training, psychosocial rehabilitation, labor insertion, culture and leisure. Nowadays, the foundation is composed of 12 assistance centers and employs over 290 professionals from psychological, educational and social fields. Since 2011, INTRAS holds a European Excellency Seal +400.



The Deaconess Foundation is an over 150-year-old institution and social enterprise based in Finland. Together with the disability services operator Rinnekoti, its subsidiary the Diakonissalaitoksen Hoiva Ltd and Caritas Services Ltd, they provide effective social welfare and health services that improve the day-to-day lives of their clients. The Foundation employs 2 300 people nationwide. It aims to be the most courageous workplace in the industry for people who, in addition to their skills, carry their hearts to work with them. Every one of the professionals at Deaconess Foundation works to further human dignity. Civic activity is a strong feature of their work. They also run the Diakonia College of Finland and the Diaconia University of Applied Sciences.



The Society of Social Psychiatry P. Sakellaropoulos is a non-profit, non-governmental, scientific organization founded in 1986. It provides psychiatric and psychological support services, in order to improve the population's mental health and well-being throughout Greece. It operates various day centers, residential houses, and protected apartments countrywide. It offers rehabilitation programs, vocational training and job placement. It operates services for the prevention and timely management of mental health problems and organizes awareness raising campaigns among the population on mental health issues pursuing destigmatization of mental illness. The organization is a founding member and Board of the Greek Network for the Right to Shelter and Housing and SMES-Europa, a European network focused on HL people



Caritas AW is a Catholic charitable organization active especially in assistance for the homeless, health care, and child care in the city of Warsaw. Caritas AW operates two shelters for homeless persons where, besides having their basic necessities covered, users are involved in processes aiming at improving their social situation, access to the rights, and health condition. There are 180 vacancies in the facilities for the homeless. One of the shelters operates also public showers and a soup-kitchen where dozens and hundreds of people respectively, take a bath and eat a hot meal every day. Medically profiled street working and supported housing are two extensions of the assistance offered by the shelter – the first one reaching out to those still on the street, the other providing more adequate place to live for those who had previously stayed at the shelter.



SMES-ITALY is an association founded in 2018 that pursues physical and social well-being, promotion of human rights, access to social and health services, social inclusion and solidarity for people living in conditions of extreme marginality. It brings together workers from numerous health and social services institutions in Italy.

It operates mainly in Rome and Florence where it takes care of the census of HL people' population with no access to healthcare, accompanies the persons to a mental health facility for a first assessment, carries out on-site visits by health and social services professionals where the person refuses to attend a health facility, defines ad personam projects and initial objectives, develops medium and long term projects, oriented at persons' recovery.



The RJ4All International Institute is a charitable NGO based in London that aims to provide evidence-based, psycho-social interventions, working with rather than for local communities, in order to build a sustainable alternative to the established criminal and social justice systems. The organisation uses user-led initiatives to redirect a person’s trajectory at risk of being drawn into violence, while empowering individuals to lead in getting the justice that they seek. In addition, RJ4All’s publishing activities and CPD courses aim to raise the awareness and scientific foundation of its positive approach internationally.